Software Engineer
In my experience, I have learned that the key elements are few and simple: there is no problem that cannot be solved, just find the right approach; a developer must be able to change his point of view just as much as a non-developer; communication and collaboration are 80% of the work. In addition, we need to encourage constant training to keep up with changing technologies, try to contribute at every professional level and learn from those around you.
I have a bachelor's degree in ICT engineering with a focus on software technologies, obtained in 2021. At adesso I'm gaining my first work experience as a software engineer, an experience that has allowed me to grow enormously by supporting myself with constant training and putting myself in a position to try and experiment to become a complete professional figure in a relatively short time.
Since March 2022.
At adesso, people can feel special and free to express themselves and contribute to the realisation of great projects with calmness and interest.
My biggest challenge was to organise and present a webinar for adesso Italy on "Web Development with Python": the aim of the webinar was to explore a technology not currently used in adesso Italy's projects, to show the implementation of a microservice architecture and a React application, to combine them and to demonstrate their use. This was my most interesting and challenging personal project, supported by the company, which introduced me to technological realities different from those I had always seen in action and, above all, made me explore what tools and architectures are used by big companies in the world. It was also possible for me because of all the training support that adesso constantly offers me, allowing me to explore all the topics that I find most useful for my growth or professionally interesting.
My time at adesso has been full of highlights and I find it hard to pick one that is bigger or more satisfying than the others. My professional growth has been exponential and I get to meet so many different people and look at different technologies that were unknown to me. I feel that I am on a good path, full of good moments and interesting people.
I am organised, focused and can always be honest, which helps my own growth and that of my colleagues.
My main hobby is the world of cinema, cultivated in life by a family tradition: whatever we did or wherever we spent the day, in the evening we would all gather on the sofa and choose a film to watch together. This led me to discover a great number of films, and over the years I became more and more interested in them. The cinema is my happy place in the world.
I use my lunch break to spend time with my tireless dachshund; when I'm at home, I prepare lunch while she looks at me, hoping that something to eat will fall to the floor. When I get home from the office, I love to play with her.
My favourite film is "Predestination", which depicts the fact that if we had the chance to change our negative experiences, we would not do it anyway; our actions in the past have made us who we are today.